Why do we need staff training?
After training at the expense of the company, the employee has a feeling of concern for him, and, as a result, increased performance, as well as increased efficiency and quality of work, thanks to the application of new knowledge in practice.
- Competence development
New knowledge gives rise to new ideas for the employee, which allows him to develop the ability to make independent decisions, allowing the employee to adjust the operating principle for himself, thus increasing performance.
-Professional distinctiveness
Many professionals must keep up with the status in their profession, are constantly learning something new, otherwise they will lose their qualifications and competitiveness.
-Lack of specialists
Often the need to train employees of the company is dictated by lack of ready-made specialists in the market.
- Company strategy
In some companies staff training is included in the production strategy - the desire to raise their own managerial personnel from scratch can be a serious competitive advantage for the company.